YP Spring Pursuit Schedule

Our Mountain States Young People’s Spring Pursuit will start with a kickoff meeting at 7 pm on Saturday, April 11 (by Zoom).  During the kickoff meeting, we will go over the format and schedule of the Spring Pursuit, and the participants will have opportunity to form small groups.

The Bible Reading Challenge will begin on Lord’s Day, April 12, and run for 28 days (4 weeks), concluding on Saturday, May 9. Each participant will commit to reading 2 chapters of the Bible per day.

Beginning on Monday, April 13, each morning participants will spend at least 15 minutes with the Lord first thing in the morning, prior to 8:30 am. Every day there will be new materials posted for our Daily Morning Revival. In addition, attached to the morning revival there will be some Self study material, including podcasts, videos, readings, or individual or group assignments. Several times during the four-week Spring Pursuit, we will also post material to help you enjoy your Time with the Lord in the morning.

Twice a week (Mon/Tues & Thurs/Fri), beginning on Monday, April 13, the participants will meet in small groups online for 30 minutes. Each group will need to work out their own meeting times. Materials will be posted in the Companion Meetings area twice a week to help direct the companion group meetings.

For four weeks, we will meet all together on Saturday nights at 7 pm by Zoom (April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9).

Also for four weeks, on Lord’s Day morning (April 19, April 26, May 3, May 10), each of the students will participate in their local church meeting, and will bring something to prophesy in the church meeting. The churches will all give the young people some time to speak in the meeting. The prophesying will be based on what you have enjoyed in the Daily Morning Revival and the Self study material.

Each student who registers for this Spring Pursuit should commit to fully participating in all of the above activities for the full four weeks. Register here for the Spring Pursuit.