Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting – Week 3 #1

Week 3, First Companion Meeting

Read through the following portion and then discuss it with your companions:

The right way to receive the word is to take it as the breath of life from God (2 Tim. 3:16). This is the life food by which man lives, not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). This is food for the spirit, so we have to exercise our spirit to take it. To receive food for our physical body, we have to exercise our mouth, but to receive spiritual food for our spirit, we have to exercise our spirit. Whenever we come to the word, we need to realize that it is spiritual food. We must exercise our spirit to eat it, not merely to know it. We should forget about knowing and simply eat Christ. This word is the written word of the living Word. It is the expression, the revelation, of the living Word, who is Christ. He is our food, our bread of life, so whenever we come to the Bible, we come to food, not for the body but for the spirit, so we must use our spirit to take it. This is clear to us, but we have to practice to receive the word in this way, not merely to read the Bible for knowledge but to read it for feeding on it.

Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Most people who read this verse are tempted to know who was there in the beginning and whether the beginning was thousands, millions, or billions of years ago. This is the way to read the Bible to seek knowledge, to know by exercising the mentality. This is the wrong way. The right way to read the Bible is to exercise our spirit. If we do this, right away we will pray, “O Lord, You are the One who created all things. Everything was created by You, so everything has been initiated by You. Lord, I want You to come into my life to initiate everything.” To take the word in this way is not mere knowledge. Rather, it is nourishment.

Matthew 8:1 through 3 says, “When He came down from the mountain, great crowds followed Him. And behold, a leper, coming near, worshipped Him, saying, Lord, if You are willing, You can cleanse me. And stretching out His hand, He touched him, saying, I am willing; be cleansed! And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.” Someone may take this word as knowledge and even criticize, saying that this does not sound like a proper teaching in the Bible. Rather, we should take this word by praising and praying: “Lord, come down again today to the place where I am. I am in the place of failure, in the place of leprosy, and I cannot deliver myself. Lord, if You come to the place where I am, I will be delivered. O Lord, I have been cleansed by You, but I still need You more and more. Come down, Lord, to the place where I am.”


If we read the word in the morning in this way, these few verses will be a very adequate and rich breakfast. They will even be good enough for the whole week. Every day that week we can pray, “O Lord, You have come down from the mountain to the very place where I am. I have been cleansed by You. Lord, I believe, even today, that You are still coming to me. Meet me here.” While we are at work, we can pray, “Lord, there is leprosy here. Come down to the place where I am.” Throughout the entire day we will receive not the word only but the Lord Himself. The word will be transferred into the Spirit by our prayer. The word is black and white outside of us, but after we have prayed, it becomes the living Spirit within us, nourishing, refreshing, strengthening, and delivering us all the day.

We may further illustrate the way of life to read the word with 1 Timothy 1:1. This verse says, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope.” A brother may read this verse, praying with praises to the Lord for being our Savior and our hope. Later in the day something disappointing may happen to him, but the more he prays, “Lord, You are my hope,” the more the Spirit within him will strengthen him. In this way the word hope becomes the Spirit to him.

In order to pray to transfer the word into the Spirit, we must learn how to exercise, release, and uplift our spirit. Our prayer over the word also should have some understanding or inspiration in it. If we do not receive something when we start to read, then we should read further. We do not need to force ourselves to get something from every portion we read. The Bible is very rich. It is like a feast on the table. When we come to a feast, we need not force ourselves to enjoy a piece of bone that has no meat. If we were poor, we would have to break the bone to get to the marrow. However, we are not poor; the Bible is very rich. At first we may not get something from what we read, but later when we return to that same passage, we will receive something from it.

We all need to practice this way to receive the word, because we are accustomed to receiving something of knowledge. After a certain period of practice, however, we will be more accustomed to receiving something of life. Even if it is easy to get something merely of knowledge from a certain portion of the word, we would not do it. If we understand something from a portion of the word, we should not pay attention to the mere knowledge. Instead, we should receive something of life. Again I say, we need not force ourselves to get something from every portion we read. If we come to a “bone,” we can forget about it for now and go on to a tender, meaty portion to get something of life. To come to the word to feast on the Lord is like coming to the dining table. We must learn to find something that we can eat.

It is too easy to get something of knowledge, but it is not as easy to get something of life. We are familiar with the bones, but we do not know the meat as well. We all must learn this proper way to read the word. This will help us to enjoy the Lord, to experience Him, and to live by Him. The Lord Jesus told us, “He who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me” (John 6:57). The proper reading of the word helps us to realize the Lord, enjoy Him, experience Him, and live by Him, and it also helps us to exercise our spirit, because in this way we pray much. Then our spirit is strengthened, uplifted, exercised, and made alive. When we come to the meetings, it will be easy to pray, because our spirit has been exercised, strengthened, and uplifted. In addition, we will have some content to pray. We will have something stored within our spirit, and our spirit will be living, because day by day we have been feeding on Christ. This is the proper, normal way for us to enjoy the Lord.

(Enjoying Christ as the Word and the Spirit through Prayer, Chapter 3, pp. 32-35)

Posted by Andrew Carton in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting – Week 2 #2

Week 2, second companion meeting

Song: Jesus, O Living Word of God  ( )

  1. Jesus, O living Word of God,
    Wash me and cleanse me with Your blood
    So You can speak to me.
    Just let me hear Your words of grace,
    Just let me see Your radiant face,
    Beholding constantly.
    Jesus, living Word,
    My heart thirsts for Thee;
    Of Thee I’d eat and drink,
    Enjoy Thee thoroughly.
  2. Jesus, most precious One to me,
    I want to seek You constantly
    So you can spread through me.
    I would just call upon Your name,
    Open to you; I have no shame
    Loving You, Jesus Lord.
    Jesus, precious One,
    Be so real to me.
    You are all I want;
    I open wide to Thee.
  3. Jesus, Oh living One in me,
    Open my eyes that I might see
    All that You are to me.
    Just let me enter in Your heart,
    Never from You would I depart,
    Loving You constantly.
    Jesus, living One,
    Flood me thoroughly;
    Take my willing heart
    And overcome in me.
  4. Lord I want You to have Your way,
    Save me from being Satan’s prey,
    I am believing You.
    All I can give to You, my Lord,
    Is my whole being, love outpoured;
    Lord, I belong to You.
    Jesus, faithful God,
    Gain us through and through;
    Use us thoroughly
    To see Your purpose through.


John 5:39-40   You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that testify concerning Me. Yet you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.


Reading the Word to Contact God Himself

When we contact the Word, we need to be clear that we are contacting God Himself. Whenever we open the Bible, our first thought should be to contact the living God. The living God has breathed out all that is within Himself as the Word. All the riches within Him are breathed out in the form of the word. Every word of the Bible, from the first to the last, is the breath of God. The Bible is not for us to study philosophy or literature. It is for us to contact what God has breathed out, what He has exhaled.

Brothers and sisters, this is not a light matter. Unless we have the concept that we are coming to God and contacting Him, our focus will be wrong. The first thought we should have, the first step we should take, when we open the Scriptures is to prepare ourselves to contact God. We are reading what God has breathed out. God has breathed His breath upon these words. We should not have the thought that we are reading teachings or literature. Rather, we are altogether contacting the manifested God, the God who has revealed Himself through His speaking. The God who dwells in unapproachable light, who cannot be touched or known, has revealed Himself through the Word. In fact He Himself is the Word, and He is embodied in the Word. Now He has put the Word, which is His breath, before us. When we study the Word, contact the Word, we are actually contacting God Himself.

Many people ask why they do not receive anything when they read the Word. I would like to ask, “When you read the Word, do you have the thought that you are coming to a book of letters, or do you have the thought that you are coming to the living word that has been breathed out from God?” This thought is very crucial. Many brothers and sisters do not have this thought when they come to the Word. They think that they are reading merely words printed on paper. At the most they think that they are studying teachings, commandments, or doctrines. It is no wonder that they do not receive a living supply. We need a consciousness that the Bible is the Word of God; it is God’s speaking. God has released Himself through His speaking. He is embodied in the Bible. Hence, when we come to the Bible, we should have the consciousness that we are contacting the revealed and released God. We are not touching merely letters; we are touching the living God. We are not touching merely teachings; we are touching a God who has breathed Himself out. In order to properly approach the Word, we must have this thought and prepare ourselves accordingly.

God’s children need to see that whenever we come to His Word, we should be convicted in our heart that this Word is the speaking forth of the living God. We should not study it with our mind; instead, we should contact it with our spirit. There is no need to understand the Bible too much. Please give me the liberty to say that for many people, the more they understand the Bible, the worse their spiritual life becomes. This is not a matter of “understanding” the Bible but a matter of “contacting” the Bible. The Bible is indeed a wonderful book. The way to approach it is not to understand it but to contact it, touch it, and enjoy it.

Once a young brother asked me whether reading the Bible was useful since he did not understand much of what he read. He said, “I read the second half of the book of Exodus, and all I saw was the materials, the construction, and the dimensions of the tabernacle. The more I read, the more confused I am. What is the purpose of reading?” I answered, “Dear brother, let me suggest an experiment. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, change the way that you read, and see if there is a difference.” The next day he came to me and said, “Brother Lee, there is a difference. This morning when I opened up the book of Exodus, I still did not understand much of what I read, but I had the intention of coming to God and putting myself under His shining.” I said, “Brother, this is very precious. This is the right way.” When we read the Word, we should place ourselves under the shining of God’s light. We may read twenty-five chapters of Exodus, and our mind may lack understanding and be totally confused. However, after fifteen minutes of coming to the Word in this way, we feel as if we have passed under God’s shining. We will be inwardly refreshed, cleansed, and enlightened. This is the most valuable kind of reading.

This does not mean that we do not need to understand or remember anything when we read the Word, but understanding and memorization are secondary. Our primary need is to pass through God’s shining whenever we read the Word. The Bible is a book for us to contact rather than to understand. We contact sunshine every day even though we do not understand it. We do not understand water, but we contact it every day. To contact is one thing, and to understand is another. Similarly, to receive is one thing, and to comprehend is another. The Bible is not primarily for comprehension but for communication and reception. Whenever we read God’s Word, if we acknowledge that it is His very speaking and contact it with our spirit, our inner being will touch God and receive Him. (How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God, Chapter 6)



  1. Share one thing you enjoyed from today’s group time or from this week’s Spring Pursuit.
  2. Has your morning time and Bible reading improved since the Spring Pursuit? Share with the others in what ways.
  3. What things or persons are on your heart that you would like your companions to pray for?
  4. If your friend were to ask you what you get out of reading the Bible, how would you answer them?
Posted by Samuel Jeng in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting – Week 2 #1

Week 2, first companion meeting


Hymn #806 Break Thou the Bread of Life ( New Tune: )

  1. Break Thou the Bread of Life,
    Dear Lord, to me,
    As Thou didst break the loaves
    Beside the sea;
    Beyond the sacred page
    I seek Thee, Lord;
    My spirit pants for Thee,
    O Living Word.

Break Thou the Bread of Life,
Dear Lord, to me,
As Thou didst break the loaves
Beside the sea;
Beyond the sacred page
I seek Thee, Lord;
My spirit pants for Thee,
O Living Word.

Take a little time to pray to open to the Lord and to read and pray over the verses below.


2 Timothy 3:16-17   All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, That the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.



We will consider how to enjoy Him in reading the Word. In other words, we want to see how we should study the Bible. Since this is a broad subject, we will focus only on how to absorb God through reading the Word.

Whoever is experienced in fellowshipping with God knows that the way to receive and assimilate God is either in prayer or in reading the Word. Prayer and reading the Word are the two best ways for man to contact God. Although many people pray, they do not contact God, and although many people study the Word, they do not absorb God. There are different kinds of prayer, and there are different ways to read the Bible. In order to know how to assimilate God when reading the Bible, we need a basic understanding.

Prayer is not asking God to do many things, but it is breathing in God. Similarly, reading the Word is not digging out many teachings from the Bible but assimilating God. Although the Bible is full of teachings, and it is difficult to find another book that contains as many teachings as the Bible, when we seek God through the Word, we should realize that the Bible is not merely a book of teachings. When we study the Word, we should not look for teachings, just as when we pray, we should not ask for many things. The purpose of our prayer is to breathe in God. Similarly, the purpose of our reading the Bible is to assimilate God. The subject and the center of prayer is God Himself. The subject and the center of reading the Word should also be God Himself. Just as we breathe ourselves out and breathe in God through prayer, we deny ourselves and receive all that God is through reading the Word. The real reading of the Word has nothing to do with acquiring teaching in the mind. Rather, it is a fresh assimilation of God in the spirit.

God’s children need this basic understanding. Whenever we come to the Bible, we should not have the concept that it is for the purpose of gaining some teachings. Instead, we should have the concept that we are here to touch God Himself. Instead of being taught by the Bible, we are here to assimilate God Himself through the Bible. Whenever we open the Bible, we should not desire teachings; our desire should be to gain God Himself. Considering the Bible as a book of teachings is not the proper Christian attitude in reading God’s Word. The proper attitude for every child of God when coming to the Word is to consider it as another opportunity to contact God Himself. We should be deeply impressed by this, and we should have this basic change in concept. (How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God, Chapter 6)



  1. What are your biggest challenges to reading the Bible? What has helped you or worked for you? Share these with one another.
  2. What is your main goal when you come to the Word of God? Did the reading today help you to come to the Bible in a different way?
  3. How is the truth pursuit going for you? What are you enjoying? Are there difficulties? Perhaps you can pray for one another based on what was shared.
Posted by Samuel Jeng in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting – Week 1 #2

Week 1, second companion meeting

With your companions, read through a short, two-page booklet called Pray-reading the Word, which you can find on this website:

(scroll down to find the title, Pray-reading the Word.

If you have time, share with one another (3-4 sentences) what you learned, enjoyed or were touched with.

Posted by ypspadmin in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting – Week 1 #1

Week 1, first companion meeting

Schedule a 30-minute time to meet with your companions on Monday or Tuesday by Zoom, Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, phone, or other platform.

During this time, take a few minutes to find out how everyone is doing. Here are some questions you could consider:

  • What 2 or 3 things you are really missing now that we are homebound?
  • What are you thankful for?
  • What have you gained (or what benefit have you gotten) by having to stay at home?
  • What are you struggling with right now?
  • Is there anything you need help with?
  • Do you have any special goals for the next month or two while we are at home? What would you like to accomplish?

Next, develop a plan for supporting one another during this Spring Pursuit.

  • What’s the best way for your group to communicate?
  • What’s the best way for your companions to help you be faithful in the morning revival and Bible reading?
  • Do you want to use group chat or split up into partners to check up on one another?
  • Do you want to plan some times to have morning revival or Bible reading with a partner?

Finally, spend some time to pray for one another, that the Lord would preserve us, that He would gain us, and that we can encourage one another to pursue Him together.


Posted by ypspadmin in Companion Meetings