Daily Pursuit Bible Reading

The Bible is God’s speaking to us. If we want to know our God, we must read His Word.

In addition to spending time with the Lord in the morning and “eating” the Word by praying over it (Matt. 4:4; Eph. 6:17), to have a healthy spiritual life we should also cultivate a habit of reading through the Bible, from beginning to end, over and over again.

If you are just beginning your Christian life and are building up a Bible reading habit, you can start with reading one chapter a day. Start either in Genesis chapter 1 or Matthew chapter 1 and read through to the end.

If you have been a believer for a year or more, you can move up to reading two chapters per day. We encourage every believer to eventually read the Word 15-20 minutes every day. By reading 15-20 minutes every day (about 3 or 4 chapters), you can easily finish the entire Bible once every year.


If you started reading the Bible but stopped, there is no need to go back to the beginning and start over. Simply pick up and continue from where you left off.


Here is a spreadsheet in Google Sheets that you can use to track your Bible reading. (Don’t edit the spreadsheet directly; make a copy of it into your personal Google Drive first.) This spreadsheet is not tied to the current Bible Reading Challenge; it is for your use for your ongoing Bible reading.